


The mission of UNIPRO is to potentiate, develop and apply research to understand, prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases involving the orofacial region. This research Unit has also as a mission to reinforce the involvement in advanced training; to promote dissemination and valorization of research outputs through knowledge transfer to users and to society; and to foster the internationalization of its research.

The specific objectives of research in the unit are:

- To understand the mechanism of oral tumour development and progression 

- To characterize the Oral Cancer and OPMD epidemiology including the incidence and survivals rates and the associated risk factors of these diseases

- To discover new targets, biomarkers, and develop new strategies on oral cancers. 

- To promote public awareness and knowledge for oral cancers.

- To characterize and understand the pathogenesis of the periodontal disease.

- To characterize the relationship between temporomandibular disorders with headaches.

- To study congenitally missing teeth.

- To improve attachments used with implant supported dentures.