3DMMTESMIS_GI2-CESPU_2023-Computer Aided 3D Manufacturing of a mandibular total edentulous simulation model for in-vitro studies

Principal Investigator: 
José Manuel Mendes
Leader Institution: 
Funding entity: 
3.700 euros
Period covered: 

The alveolar mucosa is the main support tissue for dentures in completely edentulous patients, due to its viscoelastic characteristics. However, in the mandible, bone recession is more pronounced causing the prostheses to lose stability, which can lead to their maladaptation and consequently the appearance of lesions in the oral cavity. To carry out an in-vitro study involving removable complete dentures, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the oral mucosa. Therefore, we intend to study elastomers, namely Molloplast B, GumQuick, Ufi Gel SC and existing flexible polymer for 3D printing since several studies report that they present most similar characteristics to those observed in the alveolar mucosa. These materials will be tested for tensile strength, elastic recovery, wettability and dimensional stability, in order to compare them with the complete edentulous mucosa. After that we intent to create a model using a resin on a 3D printer. To this model, the chosen elastomer will be added, creating a simulation model that simulates completely the alveolar mucosa and could be used in the in-vitro studies.
The model will be created by Stereolithography (SLS)

