Assessment of acceptance and adoption of mobile applications (apps) by patients with dermatoses

Principal Investigator: 
Ana Isabel PAcheco Teixeira
Leader Institution: 
Research Team: 
Ana Isabel Pacheco Teixeira, Tiago Torres, Carmen Maribel Teixeira, Magarida Barbosa, Miguel Peixoto, Rui Moreira, Vera Almeida
Funding entity: 
Period covered: 
01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023

Dermatoses are highly prevalent pathologies for which different therapeutic strategies are available, however, low adherence to treatment affects clinical outcomes. The use of mobile applications (apps) by dermatological patients may have advantages in the management of the disease and its treatment. Several apps are available for use in dermatology, but there is no data on the user friendliness, satisfaction, and impact of using these technological tools. The objective of this work is to implement studies that evaluate the factors that facilitate or hinder the adoption and acceptance of mobile technologies in monitoring the clinical evolution of patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Subsequently, the data resulting from this study may contribute to an improvement in health care and a reduction in the costs associated with the control of these dermatoses.
